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The 5 Best Beginner Law of Attraction Books

If you are new to the Law of Attraction and you're just trying to understand it all, you'll want some quality reading material to guide you along. Here you will find my research giving you the 5 BEST BEGINNER LAW OF ATTRACTION BOOKS. They are all full of easy to read information that you can implement today. After reading these you'll be well on your way to Living Your Best Life!

5 Best Beginner Law of Attraction Books

Law of Attraction Book # 1 ~ The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

This is the book where most people learn of the Law of Attraction. This book was actually a documentary first (by the same name) that came out in 2006 and it intrigued people world-wide. This book will make you change how you see the World and to be more mindful of your thoughts.

The Law of Attraction Book # 2 ~ The Law of Attraction by Michael Losier

This self-help book is so simply put together and an easy read for those beginners learning about the Law of Attraction. No fluff and straight to the point.

The Law of Attraction Book # 3 ~ The Power of Your Subconcious Mind by Joseph Murphy

This book is a vital tool in understanding the difference between your concious and subconcious mind. Your subconcious mind is responsible for all your thoughts and beliefs. It is here where you will need to change if you want different outcomes in your life.

The Law of Attraction Book # 4 ~ Ask and it is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks

Considered by many to be the Guru on the Law of Attraction, Esther / Abraham Hicks put out this phenomenal book to help you go through all the necessary steps so you reach your desires. Here you'll learn from Abraham (a collective conciousness that Esther channels) that YOU can be, do or have anything that pleases you!

The Law of Attraction Book # 5 ~ Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

A book that was written during the Great Depression and has sold over 100 Million copies world wide, this is a Classic when it comes to harnessing the power of your subconcious mind. Though this book's basis is on the financial aspect of the Law of Attraction, the core principals throughout the book can be used in all areas of your life. If you are desiring to manifest money however, this is a #1 Choice.

Everyone loves to read or watch a good success story. Click over to my other post where I highlight 11 very well known people who not only believe in the Law of Attraction, but also attribute success to it! Click here


Get your copies of The 5 Best Beginner Law of Attraction Books / Audiobooks from Amazon here:

If you're not new to the Law of Attraction and you have stumbled on to this page, I'd love to hear what your favorite Law of Attraction books are! Comment Below!

~Much Love, Good Vibes and Choose to be Happy! ~


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